Peter Winston

Post 7

Writing this at 15:20, I managed to wake up at 7 o'clock this morning. A great success, one of the first goals for preparing to start a new college year which is starting the first Monday of October. I did also eat junk food today, you win some you lose some I guess. I've been eating healthy the past week though, and I'll be having a healthy dinner this evening at my girlfriend's parents' house, some domestic cooking.

I managed to get all three of the Godfather films onto my phone, in case of an emergency situation where I'd be without a way to watch the Godfather trilogy.

The rain is hitting hard today, and it'll be intense for the next week at least and probably more. I enjoy it though. I don't mind the heat much as I used to when I was younger but I still prefer colder weather.

I practically perfected the setup of my samsung phone. It's always on the maximum powersaving mode which practically eliminates background activity except for a few programs. In the maximum powersaving mode only eight apps are readily available but still you could access other ones with some effort but then you'd be missing the point. The default four programs are phone messages gallery and settings. Why they put gallery in there is beyond me as it's not a necessary program by a long shot. And the settings icon is also unusual because settings are available from the drop down menus at the top. Then you can choose four programs yourself. This puts you into a corner where you have to put effort into deciding which programs are most valuable to you. For me it's whatsapp email maps and banking. So two more communication programs which are of high value to me as I use whatsapp for both business and personal communication. Also a navigation program, osmand+, which will work offline and has more features than the usual google maps at the expense of the smooth interface which is available in google maps. The banking software is obvious.

I need to get some more sleep and I'll be fine.