Peter Winston

Post 5

I did wake up late, as usual, but whatever, it's not so bad. I tried to fry a few pieces of meat for lunch for me and my girlfriend, but I ended up burning it badly. It was edible, but definitely not enjoyable, so we decided not to eat that. She ordered a burger and fries, and I decided to postpone my meal for later.

Going to my own house from my girlfriends, I stopped by my favorite coffee shop to grab a cup of cold brew; definitely one of the best types of coffee drink, I could drink three one after another and not get sick. The barista was once quite impressed by me ordering two cold brews in the span of about 45 minutes. I guess I'm just tolerant to caffeine. The most espresso cups I drank in a single day is 11, trying to see what kind of effects it would have on me. I didn't get anxious or anything similar, my heart rate barely went up, I did sweat a tiny bit more. But the most important thing that happened was when I realized, pouring the 12th cup, I didn't feel like drinking it, and that's about it.

Since that was the first coffee of the day (and the only one as it turned out) it was exceptionally enjoyable.

Going home from the coffee shop, I decided to go to the supermarket and by something for dinner. I got one of those prepared meals in a can thing (not really a can but I don't know the term in English), beans with bacon. Also, a small loaf of bread, and a pair of pears (haha, almost a rhyme).

At home, first I watered and pruned my mint plant, the soil was getting dry, and the plant started growing to far up. With those pruned pieces I decided to make a tea, so I put the fresh mint leaves in a small coffee pot (for Turkish coffee), added water, and let it boil for about ten minutes, about as long as it took to warm up those beans. The whole meal was delicious, even the tea made from fresh mint leaves was excellent (I had my doubts if it would be tasty enough). The pears could have been riper though, I prefer them slightly overripe, as did my grandmother. Overall a delicious meal, and quite cheap, about 5 dollars (the beans were on sale).

After getting back to my girlfriends apartment, and wasting some time here and there, we decided to walk the dog and get some pancakes around midnight. Sure, it was quite late for pancakes, but we didn't have anything super sweet the whole day. It was nice.

It's after midnight, and on the horror film channel they're broadcasting the lighthouse, the one with Willem Defoe and Robert Pattinson. Good film, kind of weird, but it depicts the madness from being isolated for so long well.

Also, I'm always creeped out by my girlfriends upstairs neighbours. You can hear clicking and clacking, furniture moving, whispering, at every time of day. Also the sound of marbles rolling on the floor. When I asked my girlfriend about it (more than a year ago) she said it's been like that forever, they're just weird. Frankly I could not stand those weird sounds, and I'm still bothered by them.

Anyway, I'm off to clean up the kitchen and living room a bit before bed. Again as I write this there's a creaking sound above, as if someone's walking around. It's obviously not that creepy, since there are people in the apartment above, it's not some kind of paranormal activity or other silly stuff from films and books, but you have to wonder what in the world are those people doing all day, and even during the night. Again I currently hear the sound of furniture being moved around. Can't help but think they're nuts. Now, off to bed.