Peter Winston

Post 4

Woke up late because I listened to spooky stories until about 3 o'clock.

I genuinely have to recommend that channel; it's called HorrorBabble on youtube, but they have a bandcamp page, and I think they're also on spotify and audible, and maybe some other service.

Anyway, I've been kind of sleepy the whole day. I smoked, drank coffee, walked my dog, watched Aviator on television.

I tend to eat little, once a day usually. I'm simply not that hungry, I assume it's a parallel feeling to how overweight people feel hungry all the time. In fact, I rarely feel hungry, I just notice that I haven't eaten in awhile because my head starts hurting. I'm borderline underweight, at 70 kilograms and standing 190 centimetres tall. I gained weight from about 68 kilograms to 73, but then I lost a couple again. I have to basically force feed myself. Unfortunate certainly. I had a silly plan on how to gain weight quickly: just eat a whole lot of peanuts and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It would probably work. Unhealthy? Of course. But it won't kill me, plus I do work out and don't drink alcohol; my heart and lungs are strong, I can run 5k in less than 30 minutes, I play 3x3 basketball every other weekend, I do pushups and pullups almost everyday. (Yes, I do smoke, but I'd argue it's the only unhealthy thing I do.)

It was a pretty uneventful day overall, but my girlfriend and I decided to go on a date some day next week; we've not been on a date for quite a long time. We do spend a lot of time together, but it's usually either indoors where we do passive things such as playing card games or watching films, or outdoors when we go for walks with my dog or we go running together.

I'm getting the hand of how this bearblog thing works, with its pages and whatnot. I'm pleased with the website.